Week in review [Oct. 22]
David Martin
Here are the top 7 most popular links this past week. Enjoy the clicking!
1 - LPC Jobs in Houston = http://ow.ly/eCgVg
2 - Head Games / Wednesday, Nov. 7th = http://ow.ly/ew8d0
3 - The One Social Skill that Can Change Your Life = http://ow.ly/eDZu2
4 - Brain Scientists Uncover New Links Between Stress And Depression = http://ow.ly/ezavS
5 - Violencia doméstica: un círculo de abuso difícil de dejar = http://ow.ly/esUaf
6 - 10 Things Happy People Do Differently = http://ow.ly/eBHti
7 - The Real Reason Children (and Adults) Hate their Stepmothers = http://ow.ly/eBHIa