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Eating Disorders as Experiential Avoidance: Navigating Recovery by Embracing Discomfort with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Care Coordinator


Description: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a mindfulness-based behavior therapy designed to assist in changing one’s relationship with difficult thoughts and emotions in order to create space for a values-driven life. In ACT, individualslearn to utilize creative hopelessness as a way to understand their unworkable patterns of control and develop skills to disrupt these cycles of avoidance. Because eating disorder behaviors can function as a means to avoid discomfort, gain a sense of control, and increase pleasure, ACT presents a unique opportunity for understanding patient experiences of eating disorders and learning new ways to relate to intrusive thoughts and painful emotions.


3 Objectives

  • Describe how Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) can be incorporated into the treatment of eating disorders

  • Understand the role of experiential avoidance as a maintaining factor for eating disorders

  • Explore acceptance and defusion techniques to disrupt avoidance cycles and promote recovery

Please join us for our CEU meeting on May 5, 2023 from 11:30-1:30 at the Powerhouse Church in Old Katy.

Please RSVP at the link below: