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JST Institute Training Opportunities

Care Coordinator

Several new training opportunities coming up!

Mapping Narrative Conversations: Charting journeys towards preferred destinations

Narrative conversational maps are like skeleton keys that open multiple doors to new worlds of experience. Rather than confirming what is already known, these maps help us to chart journeys with people toward preferred destinations that were previously unimaginable. They make visible the multiplicity of routes that can be plotted when embarking on adventures into new territories of life.

Maps contribute to rich story development and provide a foundation for collaborative and generative conversations with people. Like therapeutic cartographers, we will explore various maps and how they engage in scaffolded conversations that open space for hope, possibility, and movement. We will also explore the role of language when engaging with people’s alternative storylines. We will address the role of generative questions and how they can contribute to novel understandings, energy, and inspiration.


June 16 and 17, 2023

1:00pm-4:30pm (Central Time)